Social Impact Weekend in Vienna
The Social Impact Weekend took place on the 23-24thof March once again in Vienna, but there was a difference: Our workshops were all in English! Hence, people from all corners […]
The Social Impact Weekend took place on the 23-24thof March once again in Vienna, but there was a difference: Our workshops were all in English! Hence, people from all corners of the world gathered to change the world in the lovely location of the Impact Hub Vienna. But, there were also some familiar faces: participants who already have been to one of our Workshops took part again to further work on their ideas.
We could tell you all about how great the atmosphere at the Social Impact Weekend was, how inspiring the stories of Helena Schütte of the SIA-winning project Verein Vielmehr für alle [https://www.facebook.com/pg/vielmehrfueralle/posts/?ref=page_internal], but we’d rather have the statements of our participants speak for themselves. 😉
“The Social Impact Weekend was incredible! It was amazing to meet so many new people who want to change the world. It was all positive vibes!”
“Huge shout out and thank you for the amazing resources, tips, tricks, knowledge, inspiration & just the visionary spirit I experienced at the Social Impact Weekend Vienna! ✨You guys & gals gave me so much new and much needed clarity, inspiration and especially motivation to take action and believe in myself! I am deeply grateful for your mission and the impact you are creating! It is like an accelerator and thriving force for all of us to change the world with our visionary ideas. It’s amazing! Thanks for all the inspiration and the positive vibes!”
”I kind of always knew that I wanted to do a social action in my life. During the SIA workshops, I found out that I really want to become a Social Entrepeneur. I felt so excited the whole time I was there, like I was doing what I’m meant to do. The idea I came up with is called Online Mentoring, which will contact mentors (through a plattform), who are willing to help children and teenagers from Guatemala to discover their skills and talents. The purpose of this is for the target group to explore all of their options and ways they can follow according to their skills. And have the opportunity to dream big”
Not convinced yet?
Then check out our event dates, come to our workshops & see for yourself! 😉